Media Consolidation

Media consolidation can be defined as the concentration of media ownership into the hands of fewer and fewer individuals or corporations. It is a growing issue because in 1983 90% of American media was owned by 50 companies, now that same 90% is owned by a handful of companies. An example of media consolidation is Disney owning all of the large networks like ABC, ESPN, The Disney Channel, Pixar, Lucasfilm, and Marvel. They own all of these major networks and control what can be shown on them. 

Why should you care about media consolidation? Well because for one thing, people are already losing faith and trust in mainstream media and news. The fact that these major news companies aren't even their own entities means that the people controlling them get to decide what is shown and what isn’t. The people that run these networks only care about money and making a profit, so they are only going to show things that help them accomplish that. Media consolidation is also a racial justice issue, the owners of the large corporations are older white men, meaning that there is a lack of representation in the media. People of color are often ignored and/or stereotyped. Learn more about media consolidation 


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