The Significance of the Promotion of Innovation

All eight values of freedom of expression are important in their own way and work together in order to help citizens express themselves how they please. I won’t say one is more important than another but the one that I find most meaningful and inspiring is the promotion of innovation. 

Promoting innovation allows people to be more unique, to think outside the box and not to be constrained to the conventional ways of thinking and doing. Promoting innovation creates a space where people can feel comfortable to be different; and with that comfort comes motivations and support from others to create and do things in interesting ways. Without innovation, we, as a nation, wouldn’t be nearly as advanced as we are now. One example I think of when I think of innovation is Elon Musk and his company Tesla and SpaceX. I think he is the embodiment of innovation and is truly an example for the rest of the world for what promoting innovation can do. The idea of a self-driving car sounds crazy in theory but because we have created a safe space for people to create, these things can become a reality.

I’d like to think of myself as a creative and innovative person and if it weren't for peers and teachers encouraging me to try new things, I don’t think I would be where I am. I’ve always been one to have a dream and then try and follow it and the promotion of innovation is important for people like me. 


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