My Online Presence

In class we talked about how the government and the companies that run social media sites invade our privacy every day. It was something that I felt like I always knew but it was still eye opening when we talked about it. I had just never made the connection on my own. We talked about things like your phone or the Amazon Echo listening to conversations and then promoting ads for things you were just talking about. It’s a little scary and makes you want to live off the gird when you think about it. 

I decided to look at my online presence, I have heard of people losing jobs or internships because of things they have said in the past and I figured now would be the best time to look back at old posts and old tweets and delete anything that could be damaging to the image that I want to put out.  

I first went on to my twitter account that I have had since 2014 when I was in high school, so it was bound to have some ignorant posts on there. I searched some key words and only found a couple of tweets that were ignorant and disrespectful and quickly deleted them. I was honestly expecting a lot more than I found so I am pretty impressed with myself for not being a complete jerk when I was younger.  

I then went on to my old Facebook account that I had in middle school but the things on there were pretty tame and things that a typical middle schooler would talk about, so we were good on that front. Then just to finish things off I googled my name and to no surprise I didn’t find anything because my name is pretty common. Overall I would say that my online presence wouldn’t really say much about me, I retweet and favorite funny tweets but I am always mindful of the words or themes that are present in the tweets I decide to interact with because I don’t want them to become a problem for me in the future. 


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