You Can't Hide..

For this blog post I watched some videos clips of various TED Talks and they all had something to do with your online presence and the government or law enforcement having access to everything we do on the internet.  

One of the videos was especially interesting to me because he compared the use of various social media and other websites to tattoos; online tattoos. He was saying that tattoos say a lot on their own and they don’t really need an explanation for them to be understood by most people and that the things you do on work the same way. He said that these online tattoos can say more about you than any real tattoo ever could and that is a bit alarming to hear. As a person with a couple of tattoos I feel like I understand this more, with real tattoos I can encrypt them so that only I know what they mean but I can also tell people what they mean when they see them. That isn't the case for online tattoos, those are left for interpretation for the viewer and there is no real way for you to correct them if they get the wrong idea. 

Another video talked about law enforcement and how they can gather information on you with very detailed surveillance equipment. They can gather huge amounts of sensitive information on people with ease. With this information the government can create an image of you that may or may not be correct.  All of these blog posts throughout the semester have made me realize what type of world we’re really living in and the fact that we don’t have as much privacy as we think. The government is way too invested in spying on their own citizens and I feel like it is a growing problem that needs to be handled. 


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